We are making keyboarding natural, just like it was supposed to be.

Goodbye QWERTY.

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Imagine a world where mobile interactivity and productivity is as natural as breathing.

That world is Twitch.

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We've developed technology that leaves small device and screen QWERTY systems where they belong - the past.

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Have you ever been frustrated with the small QWERTY keyboards on your mobile or tablet devices? We have a solution for you!

Intuitive Design

Infinitely portable and extremely easy to master you'll be typing faster than you ever thought possible on a mobile device. It's as easy as breathing.

QWERTY: Old News

Extremely efficient with a low cost to boot it can be applied to any handheld device, real, touch-screen, or virtual keys. Can QWERTY do that?

Time & Productivity

Imagine the time you'd save with an intuitive & natural keyboarding device? Imagine how much more productive you (and your business) would be?

Infinite Application

Imagine better communication for the handicapped, our military personnel, and our medical device industry (just to name a few).